A humane cat trap is very simple metal cage. The cat enters the trap, triggers the trap mechanism and the door closes behind it, trapping it inside. In the UK, a cat trap has to be live catch by law.
A live catch cat trap is not only more humane but allows for non-target species such as dogs, badgers or even squirrels to be released safely and unharmed. It too allows for cat to be re-located and released safely.
Here are the basics of our collapsible cat trap
The cat trap is made from galvanized steel meaning that it is rust-proof and will last for well over 20 years if looked after properly. Each panel is made individually and attached together using gabion clips. These hold the sides securely together but allow for movement so the trap can be folded. The rear door of the trap slides in 2 slots on the edge and the top of the door fits securely to the back of the trap. The rear door frame holds the trap in a solid box shape when unfolded. The rear door can slide up and down to release non-target species and allow for easy access to the baiting area.
A U shape bar pivots around the top of the cat trap and once the cat trap is unfolded, swings down and clips in to place. This adds strength to the trap once it is in the set position.
The front door of the cat trap is spring loaded which means that it closes quickly when set off. On the cat trap door is a spring loaded locking mechanism meaning that the trap cannot be pushed open from inside. The locking bar jams against the top of the trap when the door is sprung for zero chance of escape.
The live catch cat trap mechanism is simple and effective. A treadle plate sits towards the rear of the trap meaning that the cat cannot spring the trap from outside or until it is well inside the trap. The treadle plate is connected to a metal rod which extends all the way to the door catch. This is the crucial trigger mechanism that has a small spring like coil which holds the door open. When the treadle plate is stepped on it pulls the bar, which in turn pulls the door catch, releasing the door. The door locks in place. Simple and effective.
We also provide the fox traps, fox trap bait, rat traps and Collapsible Fox Trap. Feel free to contact our Pin Feather Outdoors team anytime to know more about cat traps and its working. You can also see our best collections of traps at https://pinfeatheroutdoors.co.uk
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